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ANTHEIA - Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes. Antheia was one of the Charites, or Graces, of Greek mythology and "was the goddess of flowers and flowery wreaths worn at festivals and parties." Her name is derived from the Ancient Greek word anthos, meaning flower, and she was depicted on vases as an attendant of Aphrodite with other Charites.
they, the muses, once taught hesiod beautiful song, while he was shepherding his flocks on holy mount helicon— thus they spoke, the fluent daughters of great zeus. plucking a branch, to me they gave a staff of laurel, a wondrous thing, and into me they breathed a divine voice, so that i might celebrate both the things that are to be and the things that were before; and they ordered me to honour, in my song, the race of the blessed gods who exist forever, but always to sing of them themselves,
I DARE YOU TO... Make a story including all of them and how they came to be.. --oooh! Macaria
100 Greek Mythology Baby Names (Gods & Goddesses)
Are you inspired by Greek mythology & its characters? Finding Greek mythology baby names to name your little one? Here is our list of 100 names you can choose from.
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Queens and Princesses of Greek Mythology: Hera / Antigone / Medea / Clytemnestra / Andromeda / Helen / Persephone thai:
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Amphitrite was the goddess Queen of the Sea, the wife of King Poseidon. Some say she was one of the fifty Nereides, others an Okeanis, but most simply describe her as the female personification of the sea: the loud-moaning mother of fish, seals and dolphins. When Poseidon first sought Amphitrite’s hand in marriage, she fled his advances, and hid herself away near Atlas in the Ocean stream at the far ends of the earth.
She was fierce and brave in battle; however, she only took part in wars that…
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Nemesis was the goddess of divine retribution and revenge in Greek mythology. She was born the daughter of Nyx and Erebus, while in some versions she is said to be the daughter of Zeus or Oceanus. She was considered the equivalent of divine retribution and was the personification of equilibrium being dealt out within mortals to ensure that happiness and unhappiness came in equal amounts.:
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"Nyx with her gentle ban on man’s activities descended on the company. She put the world to sleep.” #myth
Artemis. Daughter of Zeus and Leto, grand-daughter of the titans Coeus and Phoebe (the original oracle). Artemis is depicted as the virgin goddess, the avenger of girls whose innocence was ripped off.
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HEMERA was the the primordial goddess (protogenos) of the day. She was a daughter of Erebos (Darkness) and Nyx (Night) and the sister and wife of Aither (Aether, Heavenly Light).