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Koyanagi Nanoka - Mata Onaji Yume Wo Miteita - Image by Loundraw #1973446 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
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#オリジナル 月を統べる架空 - 迂園[休眠]のイラスト - pixiv
#art #illustration #manga
the art of animation
The Art Of Animation, Donsaid
Journal of Stars VI by Erisiar on DeviantArt
Journal of Stars VI by Erisiar on DeviantArt
landscape #31 by Sylar113 on DeviantArt
landscape #31 by Sylar113.deviantart.com on @deviantART
The Sky Beneath My Feet by yuumei on DeviantArt
reflection of the sky against the wet pavement. It feels so nostalgic for some reason.
[Random] {Castle healer} William, goes by Will, studied medicine throughout his younger childhood years and throughout his teen years. Now at the age of twenty one he works in the castle, tending to the queen of Neryn while she struggles to survive whatever sickness ails her.
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