School Ideas

This is a miscellaneous school ideas board. Pin all of your school related pins here. To join this collaborative board, follow me (@Kelseynhayes) and then email to request to join as a collaborator.
5,980 Pins
How to Get the Most for Your Money on Teachers Pay Teachers
Would you like some free resources from Teachers Pay Teachers? With the first tip in this blog post, you can earn some! This blog post contains three tips and tricks (and a bonus tip) to getting the most for your money on Teachers Pay Teachers! This will save you money and give you time to focus on your students! #confessionsofafrazzledteacher #teachers #teacherspayteachers {Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Educators}
Work on Writing Choices in the Elementary Classroom... A Must Have Center!
Work on Writing Choices in the Elementary Classroom... A Must Have Center!
The Power of Mini Offices in Your Classroom
While some students thrive on collaboration and group work, others need their own private work space. Creating mini office spaces provide these students a way to meet this need. This blog post shares a money saving tip to create a class set of mini offices as well as providing alternative ideas that you can make and use today. #confessionsofafrazzledteacher #teachers {Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Graders}
Free Social and Emotional Learning Writing Printable
Free social emotional worksheet about writing about when you are sad. Just click free writing printable and download.
Create a No Stress End of Day Classroom Routine
Teachers help create an End of the School Day Routine that is structured and relaxing for you! In this blog post, you will find the routine used by a 3rd grade teacher as well as get some tricks and tips that you can use in your own classroom. Change the stressful end of the school day into your favorite, relaxing time! #confessionsofafrazzledteacher #teachers #endofschoolday #endofday {Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders}
Best Kindergarten Writing Freebies
Find a ton of free kindergarten writing printables and worksheet pdf's to download.
7 Ways to Get Your Donors Choose Project Funded
Creating a successful Donors Choose project can be easy...if you know what you are doing! This blog post shares 7 easy to follow tips and tricks in creating your own Donors Choose project. Help your students get all the resources they need to make this school year the most successful one ever! #confessionsofafrazzledteacher #teachers #donorschoose {Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Teachers}
Create a No Stress End of Day Classroom Routine
End of Day Classroom Routine - Check out the simple routine that saves my sanity...and leaves everyone with a smile.
Opinion Writing for Kindergarten
.99 for 15 pages of opinion writing for kindergarten or first grade. Your students will love this product.
10 Best Free Kindergarten Worksheets and Printables
These free math, writing and phonics worksheets and printables are easy to download PDF's. They will help your students with beginning skills.
To All the Tired, Stressed Teachers: A Message of Encouragement and Hope
To All the Tired, Stressed Teachers: A Message of Encouragement and Hope