Christian / Inspirational

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safe harbor of love
Sometimes I just look up, smile+say, "I know that was You, God. Thank You! #Catholic
I do{odle}: Freedomdoodle
"WE DO NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO ENTER THE KINGDOM UNLESS the Spirit of God gives us life through the new birth. We are born again... as a result of that new birth, we EXERCISE the faith given to us, and ENTER the kingdom of God." ~ Jerry Bridges
"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, THAT WHERE I AM YOU MAY BE ALSO," John 14:3.
What do I call you? That's up to you, the reason you were given this journey. One son calls me Mahdi, another Jesus, another Beloved, Mother once called Father - All understood, God, etc. Names, words, language, were created by you, humanity to communicate. I Am. All has no need for language. Call as you will, let it be in Love. For that,is my 'name' -Who I Am.
Proud of myself for walking through a long journey..and came out shining with the Lord by my side..!!
The moment embark on your journey of self discovery you’re journey with God begins