
13 Pins
Bespoke Analog
Garrard 301
オーディオ大好きおやじの日記の画像|エキサイトブログ (blog)
オーディオ大好きおやじの日記の画像|エキサイトブログ (blog)
Show off your AR XA tables
AR XA turntable. Considered to be among the most significant turntables ever made. I certainly like mine.
Audio Record Players & Turntables | eBay
Thorens Td145 MK II Turntable Designer Piece Turntable
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DUAL CS 505-2 - I have one just like it.
Vintage audio Thorens TD 124 turntable. Restored and available at Hanze HiFi in The Netherlands. www.hanzehifi.nl