Social Security Disability

If You Suffer from Guillain-Barre Syndrome You Can File for Social Security Disability Benefits
If you are unable to work due to Guillain-Barre syndrome and the associated symptoms, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.
Filing For Social Security Disability With An Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis - Jenkins Block & Associates
Mental disorders, such as anxiety, can be crippling. Learn how you can seek social security benefits if you're unable to work.
The Waiting Game & When to Apply for Disability Benefits
Did you know you don't have to wait until you've been disabled for 12 months to claim disability benefits?
Diabetes May Entitle you to File for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income
If you have diabetes and it is affecting your ability to work, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income.
Stay Away From Ticks This Summer! Filing For Social Security Disability Is Possible If You’ve Contracted Lyme’s Disease. - Jenkins Block & Associates
Stay Away From Ticks This Summer! Filing For Social Security Disability Is Possible If You’ve Contracted Lyme’s Disease. - Jenkins Block & Associates
Applied & Denied: The Disability Appeal Process
Even if you were initially denied disability benefits, this doesn’t mean the decision was correct. This is where you make a disability appeal.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Social Security Disability Benefits - Jenkins Block & Associates
There are plenty of traumatic experiences that can bring on PTSD. For people experiencing an inability to work because of post traumatic stress disorder, you have an avenue for aid in Social Security Disability benefits.
Can you File For Workers' Compensation and Social Security Benefits Simultaneously? - Jenkins Block & Associates
Time is Running Out for These Social Security Loopholes
Time is almost up! Are you taking advantage of these Social Security loopholes before it's too late?
Permanently Disabled with Student Loans? Help is On the Way.
Permanently disabled? See how you can apply for federal student loan forgiveness.
Are You Ready for These 2016 Social Security Benefit Changes? - Jenkins Block & Associates
Starting the New Year off right includes taking a look over your finances to see if any of these social security benefit changes affect you.
Social Security Disability & Supplemental Security Income
Let’s look at the differences between Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income and their benefits.