
22 Pins
5 Pump Display. How To Pick The Right Pump For Your Pond.
Ever wonder what different size gph pumps would look like in your pond? Rocks 'n' Roots (586-752-4900) has given you a visual of your options. We've displayed 1,000gph, 2,000gph, 3,000gph, 4,000gph and 5,000gph pumps to make your selection easier. Each of these waterfall openings are 14 inches wide. The pumps are placed 4 feet below their respective waterfall box.
Backyard waterfall
A natural looking waterfall goes 24 feet with huge boulders. #landscapingwithrocks
There's just something about koi ponds and rainy days
All credit to @lulukmd on instagram as the owner of this content.
Sounds of nature
This beauty was built and now managed by our amazing Watergarden Team. Add this serenity to your backyard. Request a consultation on our website or call 800)689-5253
Landscaping with River Rock & Dry River Rock Garden Ideas
Create a beautiful and low maintenance garden incorporating river rock; landscaping with a dry stream and using river rock to accent your garden.