
23 Pins
tips on using coconut oil and growing your hair out long - The Beauty Thesis
Who knew? tips on using coconut oil and growing your hair out long and also what shampoos are good or bad. Pin now, read later.
{FILE UNDER: HAIR} flat iron curls how-to
How to curl hair with a flat iron (best curls ever).. repinning this because it actually works.. even for hair dummies like me haha
Straighten Hair Naturally - by Budget101
How to straighten hair naturally without heat! Have to try this. Simply place 1/3 cup of regular milk in a spray bottle, spritz (dry) hair thoroughly, comb through, allow to set 20 minutes. Next jump in the shower, Condition lightly, towel dry, comb out and voila! Straight Hair! You will find that your hair is very straight and silky. Could this actually work? Maybe I'll try...
Healthy Hair Treatments
To straighten hair without heat, just mix a cup of water with 2 tablespoons of BROWN sugar, pour it into a spray bottle, then spray into damp hair and let air dry // gotta try
Shrink a Size in 14 Days This revolutionary, science-backed workout is reader tested and can help you shed up to 12 pounds and 22 inches in just 2 weeks. Pin now, do later. Definitely.