General Business Tips

Steps to team up with us
👉 Swipe to uncover a step-by-step guide on how we can work together! READY TO GET STARTED? 📌 Visit the link to learn more about my services. Here are the OPEN SPOTS for 2025: ✅ Virtual Assistance - 2 spots ✅ Social Media Management - 2 spots ✅ Launch Support - 1 spot P.S. Follow me if you're a mental health professional, therapist, or coach looking to grow your community and influence on Instagram, or if you need extra support in other areas of your business! #itsmjrosario #mentalhealthpractitioner #virtualassistanceservices #socialmediaservicesforbusiness #growyourpractice
This may contain: a woman sitting in the driver's seat of a car with a quote on it
A huge apology to all the entrepreneurs I once judged, I get it now!
Entrepreneurship hits differently when you're the one in the driver’s seat. 🚗💨 But now I GET IT—the grind and the behind-the-scenes chaos that people don’t see. So, to the entrepreneurs I once judged: I SEE YOU NOW, and I’ve never respected the journey more. 🥂 To the late nights, bold moves, and quiet doubts you push through. 🥂 To build something from scratch and call it yours. ✅ One hard lesson I’ve learned: you can't do it all. Delegate, create systems that support you, and celebrate your progress—even on the tough days. 🎉 🤚 TAP for more BTS and real talk on sustainable business, especially for therapists and small business owners! #itsmjrosario #lifeofanentrepreneur #buildingabusiness #delegatetogrow #therapybusiness
This may contain: a woman sitting in the back seat of a car holding a piece of paper and looking at the camera
actual BTS of recording a reel (take 10)
How many bloopers will it take for me to get it right!? 🤣 After recording Reels for 3 years now, I still experience moments of defeat like this 😂 But of course, if this reached you - KEEP GOING because that's how you build momentum. ✨ Remember: Imperfect action > no action at all. Plus, you can still use those bloopers like this 🙌🤌🏼 👉 VISIT the link to grab my FREE guide on how to grow your Instagram with ease! #itsmjrosario #bloopers #learningmoment #reelstipsandtricks #lifeofanentrepreneur
My Underconsumption
Working from home taught me one thing: you don’t need the newest tools to succeed! 😉 In a world full of upgrades, I’ve embraced making the most of what I already have. 📌 Swipe to see examples and ask yourself: Do I really need this? You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with what’s already in your hands. ✨ FREE tools for success—visit my page to claim them and start making the most of it! #itsmjrosario #underconsumption #workfromhomesetup #maximizeyourpotential #makingthemostoflife
This may contain: a woman holding a microphone in front of her face with the words make it clear, easy, and inviting
Let's talk about Desire + Action (from AIDA)
We've covered Attention and Interest, now it's time to ignite DESIRE and incite ACTION in your community. 💪 ⏪ I provided a quick recap for Awareness and Interest, but if you want a deeper understanding of these two chunks of the funnel, check out Parts 1 & 2 on my profile! Now that you know what AIDA is and how to apply it to your therapy business, you'll find that growing authentically on Instagram is not that hard to understand! 😉 📌 Save this pin when you need a quick guide to growing your Instagram or share this with your bff/fellow mental health professional! You'll do great! 🥂 #itsmjrosario #aidafunnel #marketingfunnel #brandawarenessmarketing #contentmarketingstrategies
Now that you've got your audience's attention, let's discuss nurturing their INTEREST. ✨

⏪ This won't make sense if you missed the first part, so check out Part 1 where I talk about AWARENESS! 

As a quick recap, awareness means getting your name out there so people know who you are.

Then comes interest —where your target audience is now curious to know more about you and your therapy business!

📌 Save this pin when you need a quick guide to growing your Instagram or share this with your bff/fellow mental health professional!

You can do this! 🥂

#itsmjrosario #aidafunnel #marketingfunnel #brandawarenessmarketing #contentmarketingstrategies
Let's talk about Interest (from AIDA)
Now that you've got your audience's attention, let's discuss nurturing their INTEREST. ✨ ⏪ This won't make sense if you missed the first part, so check out Part 1 where I talk about AWARENESS! As a quick recap, awareness means getting your name out there so people know who you are. Then comes interest —where your target audience is now curious to know more about you and your therapy business! 📌 Save this pin when you need a quick guide to growing your Instagram or share this with your bff/fellow mental health professional! You can do this! 🥂 #itsmjrosario #aidafunnel #marketingfunnel #brandawarenessmarketing #contentmarketingstrategies
AIDA— is not a new therapy technique, but it’s just as powerful when it comes to your Instagram strategy! 

AIDA stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action, the four stages of a successful sales funnel that can elevate your Instagram game and attract the people who are the ideal fit for your therapy business.

Part 1: Awareness - let's talk about building your online presence. 

📌 Watch this when you need a quick guide to growing your Instagram or share this with your bff/fellow mental health professional!

You got this! 💪

#itsmjrosario #aidafunnel #marketingfunnel #brandawarenessmarketing #contentmarketingstrategies
AIDA - what is it!?
AIDA— is not a new therapy technique, but it’s just as powerful when it comes to your Instagram strategy! AIDA stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action, the four stages of a successful sales funnel that can elevate your Instagram game and attract the people who are the ideal fit for your therapy business. Part 1: Awareness - let's talk about building your online presence. 📌 Watch this when you need a quick guide to growing your Instagram or share this with your bff/fellow mental health professional! You got this! 💪 #itsmjrosario #aidafunnel #marketingfunnel #brandawarenessmarketing #contentmarketingstrategies
This may contain: a woman sitting next to a man in front of a screen with the caption being a business owner, reality check for entrepreneurs
Reality check for entrepreneurs
As Alex Hormozi wisely says, "You're in business because no one believed in you until you did so yourself." Isn't that powerful? 🔥 Remember why you started this journey. It wasn't for the glamour or accolades but because you believed in your ability to make a difference. Every setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your approach. You're building a legacy of impact and influence. Your community is waiting for your authentic voice and unique perspective. Keep showing up, keep learning, and keep believing in yourself. The world needs your light—so shine bright! If you're a mental health professional looking to grow your community on social media, tap the pin for more resources! 📌 #itsmjrosario #therapreneur #realitycheck #knowyourpurpose
Being in their orbit, soaking up all that positivity and insight, changed the GAME for me. 🎉

When I teamed up with therapists and other mental health professionals, I learned how to see the world through new lenses.

Their insights opened doors I didn't even know existed! 🤯

And for that, I'll always be grateful to the clients I'm working with currently, and a special shoutout to @drcarriejackson and @dr.charryse_j 👏💖

If you're looking to grow your community and influence as a mental healt
What changed for me when I started working with therapists
Being in their orbit, soaking up all that positivity and insight, changed the GAME for me. 🎉 When I teamed up with therapists and other mental health professionals, I learned how to see the world through new lenses. Their insights opened doors I didn't even know existed! 🤯 And for that, I'll always be grateful to the clients I'm working with currently, and a special shoutout to @drcarriejackson and @dr.charryse_j 👏💖 If you're looking to grow your community and influence as a mental healt
This may contain: a man in a tuxedo sitting at a table with a cup and saucer
When your business revolves in digital marketing
What is a weekend, indeed, if your business revolves around digital marketing!? 🤣 If this cracks you up and you find yourself thinking, "Where is the lie?"—YOU are not the only one feeling this! It's a challenge, but hey, at least we’ve got each other. 🙌 Whether it’s endless emails, tweaking those social media posts, or just trying to keep up with the latest trends, we’re all in this together. So, let’s laugh it off, keep pushing forward, and remember why we started this wild ride in the first place! 💪 If you're a mental health professional looking to grow your community on social media, tap the pin for more resources! 📌 #itsmjrosario #therapreneur #mentalhealththerapist #realitycheck #digitalmarketingstrategists
Here's why tracking your insights MoM is important for your therapy business
This is for YOU if you're a therapist or a mental health professional looking to understand social media insights better! 👉 Swipe to see the top reasons WHY you should track your social media monthly and the benefits of data-driven decision-making! If you're looking to grow your community and influence as a mental health professional on Instagram, tap the pin for more resources! 📌 #itsmjrosario #therapreneur #therapybusiness #marketingfortherapists #socialmediainsights
Difference between self-promotion vs idea promotion
Exploring a valuable perspective from @adamgrant on self-promotion vs. idea promotion. 💭 In the world of mental health, it's not about saying, 'Look at me,' but 'Look at this meaningful work I've dedicated myself to.' To mental health professionals, it's okay to share your passion— be proud of the impactful work you've put in. It's not about being salesy; it's about celebrating your dedication and care, and sharing it with the world. 💙✨ 🗣️ Curious to hear your take on this perspective shift—share your thoughts in the comments below! If you're looking to grow your community and influence as a mental health professional on Instagram, tap the pin for more resources! 📌 #itsmjrosario #therapreneur #mentalhealthprofessionals #humanconnections #mindsetmattersmost
Here's to wrapping up the first half of 2024! 🎉

We hit the ground running and never looked back, celebrating our journey, growth, and all the ups and downs along the way. 💖

The highlight? Signing new dream clients and renewing agreements with our loyal ones—each new signature is a high-five from the universe, and those renewals prove the strong relationships and trust we've built.

A huge shoutout to the incredible people I get to work with every day—you all make this journey worthwhile!

So let's keep the momentum going and crush the second half of the year!

If you're a mental health professional looking to grow your community on social media, tap the pin for more resources! 📌

#itsmjrosario #therapreneur #therapybusiness #buildtrust #beyondgrateful
The first half of my 2024!
Here's to wrapping up the first half of 2024! 🎉 We hit the ground running and never looked back, celebrating our journey, growth, and all the ups and downs along the way. 💖 The highlight? Signing new dream clients and renewing agreements with our loyal ones—each new signature is a high-five from the universe, and those renewals prove the strong relationships and trust we've built. A huge shoutout to the incredible people I get to work with every day—you all make this journey worthwhile! So let's keep the momentum going and crush the second half of the year! If you're a mental health professional looking to grow your community on social media, tap the pin for more resources! 📌 #itsmjrosario #therapreneur #therapybusiness #buildtrust #beyondgrateful
Top 5 metrics to measure the success of your email marketing campaign
Started your email marketing journey but wondering if your campaigns are effective? 🤔 👉 Swipe to see the top 5 metrics that measure the success of your email marketing campaign! Understanding these metrics is crucial to refine your email marketing strategy. 😉 If you're looking to grow your community and influence as a mental health professional on Instagram, tap the pin for more resources! 📌 #itsmjrosario #emailmarketingcampaigns #virtualassistanceservices #therapybusiness #therapreneur
As a therapist, why should I care about Email Marketing?
Email Marketing is one of the best ways to market yourself with permission. However, it's easy to get caught up in the quantity rather than the quality. Instead of solely focusing on the outcome, focus on making your content meaningful to your audience. 💌 If you're a mental health professional, therapist, or medical doctor looking to widen your horizons with email marketing, tap the pin for more resources! 📌 #itsmjrosario #emailmarketing #businesstips #therapreneur #mentalhealthprofessional