"Ministering to Others" Teaching Helps and Resources — Chicken Scratch N Sniff
This is so nice! 6 months of helps plus bonus resources for teaching about Ministering to Others #LDS #Mormon
September 2017 Visiting Teaching Printable Handout
September 2017 LDS Visiting Teaching Printable Handout | As Sisters In Zion|
Waiting is tough. But grace meets you there, and reminds you of what is true while you wait. This can be the most blessed time of your life.
7 temple dresses + accessories Latter-day Saint women will love
Beautiful Temple Dresses any LDS Woman Would Love
6 ways to get more from your patriarchal blessing (advice from a patriarch)
6 Ways to Get More from Your Patriarchal Blessing (Advice from a Patriarch)
3 things to understand about your temple endowment
The temple endowment is a sacred, special experience. But what does it symbolize and is it ok if you don't understand it all? Find out 3 things that will help you learn more from your own endowment.
S. Michael Wilcox: 10 Ways to Get More from Your Temple Experience
This list of tips will help any member have more powerful and personal experiences within the walls of the Lord's house.
Sister Holland on why we shouldn’t stress when our life or family isn’t the ideal
With the increasing pressures we face almost every day, it is very hard not to feel overwhelmed. . . . We run ourselves ragged in car pools. We want straight A's and straight teeth. We panic that we're doing too much for our children and then get an Excedrin headache worrying that we're not doing enough. We even get caught in the crunch of choosing priorities between family duties and church callings—and both need our loyalty and devotion.
Sister Oscarson: 'Rise up in strength'
Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson: "We need women who have the courage and vision of our Mother Eve." #LDS #LDSconf #quotes
Electric Fireplaces Add Ambiance, Save Energy, and Lower Cost
Young Women and Relief Society General Conference Coloring and Notes Book-a fun way to enjoy general conference with coloring pages and places to write down notes or favorite quotes! Use it as a visiting teaching gift or pair it with a box of colored pencils for your Young Women!