
55 Pins
Having a no-spend weekend can save some serious money! Here are 35 things to do that don't cost a dime (plus a free printable).
How to Make Mason Jar Citronella Candles
These mason jar citronella candles are REALLY EASY and they really keep the bugs away! What a fun and beautiful summer project! Those flames are amazing!
A megunhatatlan farmer. Jobbnál jobb ötletek kreatív újrahasznosításhoz | Szépítők Magazin
Mit kezdjünk a régi farmerekkel? Ötletek kreatív újrahasznosításhoz | Életszépítők
Easy Dessert Recipe: Oreo Cheesecake Bites
These Oreo Cheesecake Bites are an easy dessert to make and can be modified to create all sorts of different cheesecake variations.
The Prettiest Organizational Hacks for Every Room in Your Home
Pay attention to thing that are quite often ignored... A simple thing has made this otherwise uninteresting piece stand out.
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Repurposing Old Jeans: 40+ Ideas and Tutorials - Sara @ Made by Sara - Guest Post - Serger Pepper