Longarm & Freemotion Designs

Designs I like for future quilting projects!
28 Pins
That's another finish! Definitely autumn this one! Springs up next!! On a side note, I left the BBQ on last night with the lid down! only discovered it tonight when I went to cook the chops for tea! Slightly buckled BBQ Lid! Can I blame that on menopause? #freebirdquilting #myquilt #handguidedquilting #freemotionquilting #customquilting #superiorthreads #magnificothread #rjrfabrics #jinnybeyerbatiks #malambatiks #quiltsmart #seedburstquilt
Cacophony - Custom Machine Quilting by Natalia Bonner
This would be a great QAYG project. Piece N Quilt: Cacophony - Custom Machine Quilting by Natalia Bonner
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Just amazing.:
LuAnn Kessi
- amazing free motion quilting designs
Plate feathers tutorial
Sampaguita Quilts: Plate feathers tutorial