Holly's Projects

DIY Shutter Desk
Break out the elbow grease and hang with DIY Diva Holly Lemoine-Raymond as she shows how to make this very cool desk from a shutter. #DIYProjects
Mission Complete! The She/He Shed is born! After many months of ❤️ love we are proud to present it... hope you like it! Stay tuned to see how this can be yours. Habitat for Humanity Bay/ Waveland will be doing some type of raffle / auction soon! If you want to see it in person come by our office (HL Raymond Properties) behind the Bay St Louis Library 📚. Our Address is: 529 Ulman Ave 🙂 ❤️ Holly Hester Lemoine-Raymond #habitatforhumanity #sheshed #shiplap #hlraymondproperties #love #bsl #bayst