
14 Pins
Ancient Life Publishing | Education is Knowledge | Historia de la tierra, Historia, Geografia e historia
history of life chart:
The Geology of Time... - a grouped images picture
The Geology of Time... - a grouped images picture - Pin Them All
The World's Worst Mass Extinctions
and sadly us people are causing the 6th mass extinction
The Top 30 Science Stories of 2015: Superhuman Vision, Three Parent Babies, Implanting False Memories, and So Much More!
The Top 30 Science Stories of 2015: Superhuman Vision, Three Parent Babies, Implanting False Memories, and So Much More! - Imgur
10 Mysteries we’ve solved in the past year…
10 Mysteries we've solved in the past year...
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Nikola Tesla 1850: "Tesla Coil" electrical resonant transformer Micheal Faraday 1791: "electrolysis" direct electric current (DC current) James Maxwell 1831: Magnetic field Marie Curie 1807: radio activity Issac Newton 1642: Astronomy Albert Einstein 1879: space/time theory James Watson & Francis Crick 1928/1916: DNA Neils Bohr 1885: Atomic model Charles Darwin 1809: Evolution
Elements - Experiments in Character Design
Elements - Experiments in Character Design 1 - 112. (I think this is just so cool)