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08_memorial-sandra_pereznieto « Landscape Architecture Platform
08_memorial-sandra_pereznieto « Landscape Architecture Works | Landezine
Blog · Ziger/Snead Architects
Two vertical mesh screens enclose a series of undulating ribbons. "Walhalla" from Dutch design firm CARVE.
An Everyday Story - Baby Gifts, Kids Toys & Motherhood
An Everyday Story: Project-based & Reggio-inspired Living and Learning | An Australian Homeschooling & Lifestyle Blog
Home Bunch Interior Design Ideas
Oh my! This reminds me so, of my childhood; imagining we were shipwrecked like Gilligan's Island in an old boat my Dad planned on repairing in the backyard.
Well, it wasn't easy with a 3 year old around. But free tires from garages more then willing to give them away. A few cans of spray paint from Walmart (paint after assembled to save on paint) and Cypress mulch (packs really nicely) from Home Depot. Adding in a Little Tikes sliding board that he is out growing and you have a home made fun, play area for a very active little boy!!
Interesting Ways To Design Your Backyard
Backyards are one of the favorite places to many of us as we leisurely spend our time there reading a book, or even while just taking a casual walk. You can design your backyard in various interest…
Tattooed Balloon.. music writers Simon Cox & Brian Costello are now show casing their talents here, with awesome Music and Videos - Home Devon Artist Creating Murals, Watercolours, Oil Paintings, Drawings, Designs, Childrens Fantasy, Dragons and fun! - Playground Paintings