school tips

13 Pins
Short Cut Key
'Word' Shortcut Keys - Not all of these work for MAC's but many of them do. When it says to use the ALT button, use control. -&nbspsillylikes Resources and Information.
Essential Keyboard Shortcuts. This will help.
If You're Bad At Math, It's Because You Didn't Learn These 11 Simple Tricks
If You're Bad At Math, It's Because You Didn't Learn These 11 Simple Tricks
18 Unexpected Lifehacking Tips To Improve Your Exam Scores
18 Unexpected Lifehacking Tips To Improve Your Exam Scores-good tips for any big exam
As a junior in college, I can say that this is great advice for anyone starting college this year.
50 Study Hacks to ace your next exam + Bonus printables for planning out your study!!!
When you know your exams are due in a week, you be like: So here are 50 Study Hacks to (hopefully) ace your test!!!!! Hack #1 Grab those headphones of yours and just rock your study session!! Hack…
How to Focus Better and Boost Concentration - Acadoceo
How To Focus Better, Boost Concentration & Avoid Distractions