Dining room design

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diseñando ambientes y viviendas pequeños
Solo lavabo grande padre, y repisas pequeñas en muro, integradas a espejo, azulejo de algun color en la pared del fondo, ó textura padre..
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The bath has vintage style fixtures and a roomy walk-in shower. Love the beadboard which would tie in with the adjoining kitchen/dining area. I think this would make our small bath look much more open.
Awesome Shower Tile Ideas Make Perfect Bathroom Designs Always : Minimalist Bathroom Metalic Head Shower Small Flower Vase Shower Tile Ideas by aileen
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KÖKSLUCKA: Bistro | Ballingslöv LOCATION: Lägenhet på Södermalm
Köksinspiration - Ballingslöv
Ett grått kök är ett modernt kök. På bilden ser ni vår gråa kökslucka Solid peppargrå, en slät kökslucka som aldrig blir omodern i ditt kök | Ballingslöv
Kitchen Inspiration
greige: interior design ideas and inspiration for the transitional home : Grey country kitchen...