For the Wee One

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Home and Family Blog
Do you know that these 2 lunches are the same meal? Just adding 1 extra minute & simple rearrangement and wowzaaaaa~
14 Awesome Summer Crafts For Kids -
6 cups water, 1 cup corn syrup, 2 cups regular strength Joy dish soap. Previous pinner said- They were industrial strength, un-poppable.
little frills
fairy tales...I think about this kind of thing a lot! It blows my mind how little imagination some of my kiddos at school have, because they've never been exposed to fantasy or pretend play. When asked to come up with an imaginary scenario, all they can think of are Halo or World of Warcraft story lines.
25 Rules for Mothers of Boys | Gimundo
25 Rules for Mothers of Boys. I read it before pinned it. Love it. Will have to re read regularly.!!!
#DIY Cute #kids #birthday #Cake
Fine Motor Octopus Craft for Kids
Here's a fun summer craft for kids that also provides fine motor and counting practice~ A Paper Plate Octopus!
Kids Bathroom DIY Art on Canvas - {Tutorial} - Between U & Me...Could tape of letters and let kids paint over them, then peel off when dry.
Private Site
healthy and cute kids snack for after school- snails out of celery and apple slices
Timeline of Baby and Toddler Sleep - The Alpha Parent
There are specific patterns of sleep which are universal to most babies and toddlers. This timeline, collated through years of research, will outline these typical sleep patterns. It will explain what sleep behaviour you can reasonably expect of your little one at each stage of their development. This list is AMAZINGLY detailed, a great resource for kids ages 0-5 years!