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445 Pins
VZW Wi-Fi marshmallow-fluffy fallingofechoes Follow ragabond Follow sio subway rat made eye contact with me and said "join us. when the train comes we slide under the tracks and feel it rumble over us like a warm thunderstorm. we live forever and we love to live" I said no thank you I am too large he turned away from me I cried this is a poem lord-of-wolves Follov \ RAT MAdE BYE CONTACT Gy* wit ME Join SAID, US. whtn THE TRAIN COMES, we umenE ER LIKE we LONG To I SAID, No THANK You am Too LARGE We TvRNeD AWAY FROM ME i couldn't not draw this someonesfavoriteworstnightmare Foll the rat poem is too powerful that's why they don't talk about it 163,609 notes oa - iFunny