film stock

film, old hollywood, and a little mindless tv
463 Pins
Technicolor Dreams
jakewyattriot: “ drew this for a silkscreen-process ghibli zine with zine hug. really excited to see how it comes out in print. this was a lot of fun, i liked the process and file setup a lot. i may...
75 imágenes que dejarán alucinando a todos los fanáticos de Hayao Miyazaki
Tu vida cambiará cuando veas sus películas.
甜鱼跳跳Riki×良卡印记 | 甜鱼跳跳Riki - 原创作品 - 涂鸦王国
Drawing by Georges Méliès based on his famous 1902 short film Le Voyage dans la lune (Voyage to the Moon)
“Planet Hillary”: Further Interpretations of the Weirdest ‘NY Times Magazine’ Cover of All Time
“Planet Hillary”: Further Interpretations of the Weirdest ‘NY Times Magazine’…
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『みんなの映画100選』刊行記念 長場雄 個展『ONE SCENE』