she's a beauty

Vintage skincare and cosmetics ads and images from 1960s-2000s (and a few new ones, too)
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‘Garnets, gold and glitter – star qualities for the holidays.’ (2001) #CoverGirl #Brandy
‘Revlon (mother of invention) gives gleamer-girls not one, but two ways to glow.’ (1969)
‘What a sweet way to shine!’ (2000) #naturalistics #AlexisBledel
‘A shimmery crayon, brightening powder, magnolia spritzer & other mod must-haves’ (2000) #Seventeen
‘What do you think made Twiggy what she is today? Her eyes, right?’ (1967) #Yardley
‘Anywhere you dare.’ (1999) #Candies #CarmenElectra #DennisRodman