Elementary Resources

Here you can find a variety of engaging activities for teachers to use in the elementary classroom. Centers, games, reading comprehension, and MORE! Our resources are designed for teachers in grades K-5 and help make lesson planning easy! We offer print and digital resources so you are never caught off guard should your classroom environment change.
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5 Simple Tips to Review Classroom Procedures After Break
Taking a break is so important for elementary teachers, but getting back to regular clasrrom procedures after a break can be a challenge. These strategies will make getting back to normal a breeze!
4 Easy Things Teachers Need to do for a Relaxing Break
When you're looking forward to a break, you probably feel like you have a million things to do. If you take these four tips and make sure they are done before you walk out of that classroom door, you can turn your teacher brain off and enjoy a real break.
A Classroom Management System that Actually WORKS
Find out about an elementary classroom management system that actually WORKS! This system for Kindergarten, first, second, and third grade clssrooms is simple to maintain, adaptable to classroom personalities, and FREE!
Classroom Pencil Organization Hack
Are you down to your last nerve when it comes to pencils in your classroom? Are your students always losing their classroom pencils? Does it seem like they never have one when they need one? It's an endless cycle! Try this amazing classroom pencil hack that will make managing classroom pencils a breeze!
5 Ways to Blend Social Studies with Reading
One of the best ways to teach informational texts is to blend social studies and reading lessons together! Here are some simple strategies you can implement in your reading block instruction and your everyday routines. Designed with first, second, third, and fourth grade classrooms in mind.
Simple and Engaging Reading Test Prep for Elementary Activities
Reading is a huge part of all testing which is why reading test prep for elementary students is so important. You can prepare your students for testing by using some of my favorite activities.
Simple Gifts for Students
While you don’t have to get your students presents for birthdays, holidays, or the end of the year, a small gift can say that you care. If you want to give your students a little something, here are easy gifts for elementary kids that won’t break the bank!
Engaging Test Prep Activities for Elementary Classes
While no one in the classroom (students or teachers) enjoys testing season, it comes every single year. Therefore, we need to embrace it and find meaningful ways to prepare our students that keeps them engaged. Reading is a huge part of all testing which is why reading test prep for elementary students is so important. You can prepare your students for testing by using some of my favorite activities.
A Classroom Management System that WORKS
Find out about an elementary classroom management system that actually WORKS! This system for Kindergarten, first, second, and third grade clssrooms is simple to maintain, adaptable to classroom personalities, and FREE!
Engaging Test Prep Activities for Elementary Classes
While no one in the classroom (students or teachers) enjoys testing season, it comes every single year. Therefore, we need to embrace it and find meaningful ways to prepare our students that keeps them engaged. Reading is a huge part of all testing which is why reading test prep for elementary students is so important. You can prepare your students for testing by using some of my favorite activities.
5 Activities for Fast Finishers
There are always a few fast finishers in every elementary class, and they need something to do! These fun, yet meaningful activities for early finishers are perfect for your first, second, and third grade class!
Simple Reading Test Prep
Testing season means teachers need to find meaningful ways to prepare students and keep them engaged. Reading is a huge part of all testing which is why reading test prep for elementary students is so important. Find out more about these simple and engaging reading test prep activities.
8 Strategies for Small Group Literacy Instruction
Small group literacy instruction should focus on the following: new concept instruction, guided practice, spelling and dictation, and connected texts. These strategies will help you make sure each of these elements is part of your instruction every day.
4 Reasons to let Students Struggle
As teachers, we see students struggle to grasp various concepts and we want to get in there and save them from frustration. Before you swoop in to save the day, think about this: struggling can benefit your student. Allowing elementary students to struggle can help them in four incredible ways. Find out more about allowing struggle in your classroom.