Confidence & Happiness

Are you Jealous?
Have you been cheated on? Have you had men leave you for other women? Have you experienced a lack of trust? It's not easy to come back from that, but it's imperative for the health of your future relationship to choose a trustworthy man and kick jealousy to the curb. Check out this Love U Podcast which begins with a dream that my wife had about my best friend.
"A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her." - David Brinkley
No one values you because you don't value you. Start valuing yourself now, and watch men follow suit. - Evan Marc Katz
Dating and Relationship Articles
You are to set your own value, communicate that value to the world, and then not settle for less. - Suze Orman
Dating and Relationship Articles
Once you are truly confident, you will quickly cut off any man who doesn't make you consistently happy, and create the space for true love to flourish. Evan Marc Katz #lovequote #relationshipquote #datingquote
Dating and Relationship Articles
When someone shows you who he is, believe him the first time.
I hear a lot of people say "being yourself" is the cure for all relationship ills. Jackass men are "being themselves" too. #datingadvice
If you don't believe you're worthy of a good man, you won't attract a good man. #selfconfidence #datingtips
Confidence is walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone else. #strongwomen
A healthy man is not going to wait for you to come out of your shell, climb your emotional walls, or put up with your trust issues. He's going to find a happy woman who accepts him, loves him, and makes him want to commit. #datingadvice #confidence
Don't let the heart that didn't love you, keep you...
Don't let the heart that didn't love you, keep you from the one that will.