
105 Pins
3y : Gadget Camping Car
Wearable survival kits engineered to save lives. Style meets function in this emergency survival gear designed to last a lifetime.
How to Treat a Sprained Ankle | REI Co-op
Sprained ankles are a particularly common injury among outdoor adventurers and they can happen with nearly any activity, including hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, climbing or running. Given just how frequently sprained ankles can occur, knowing how to treat one is a valuable skill to have. #hikinglifehacks
8 Life Hacks That Might Save Your Life One Day
It seems strange to stare at people on public transport now.
[Protection balistique] Galea et Airframe, une nouvelle génération de casque
FAST Helmet integration
Survival Grenade | By Zaps Gear
Backlift - Carine Collé
Under the theme: First Aid, Help for Helpers, I designed an innovative, flexible transportation aid for the land-based rescue service. The “back-lift” ensures not only a safe patient transport, but deals also with the needs and welfare of emergency respon…