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This may contain: someone is holding up a piece of bread with spinach and cheese on it in front of other muffins
Pan fácil
Pan fácil 🔥🔥🔥 Les dejo ingredientes para 11 pancitos medianos. 500 grs de harina, si encontras de 0, 00, 000 sino hacela con la que tengas. 7 grs de levadura seca. 8 grs de sal. 300 ml de agua. Para la pasta: 2 cucharadas de queso crema. Perejil o la hierba que quieras. ⏰Horno a 220 grados aproximadamente 20 minutos. Hacelos y me contas💜🙌🏻 . . . #uruguay #masa #pan #receta #recipe #receitas #panaderia #facil #harina
This may contain: two hands holding up a piece of bread with spinach and cheese on it in front of a blue wall
This may contain: tomatoes and tuna being cooked in a pan with a hand pouring seasoning on them
¿Qué beneficios tiene el atún en lata? El atún en lata es una fuente rica en nutrientes como proteínas de alta calidad, ácidos grasos, omega-3, vitaminas y minerales. Y, es España, una lata de atún es uno de los alimentos que nunca falta en la cocina, ya que puede salvar cualquier plato, ya sea un bocadillo, una ensalada o el relleno de una empanada. COMENTA Y SIGUENOS!!
This may contain: a loaf of bread sitting on top of a metal pan
Pan casero súper esponjoso, fácil de hacer y económico, ¡la mejor receta de pan que he hecho!
This may contain: someone is kneading dough on top of some buns and making them look like they are braided together
🧀 BAKING-PIGTAIL WITH CHEESE 🧀 • 🧀 INGREDIENTS 🧀 • -warm water- 200ml • -warm milk - 200ml • -sugar - 20g • -egg- 1 piece • -dry yeast- 10g • -flour- 600g • -salt- 8g • -soft cream butter - 50g • For the filling: • - cheddar cheese - 200g • For lubrication: • -milk- 1stl • yolk- 1 piece • PREPARATION 🍽 🍽 • -Mix all the ingredients and knead the soft dough • -Cover and leave to rise • -Then divide into 12 parts, round, lubricate the rast with oil, cover and leave for 10 minutes • -Roll out, put the cheese and shape • -Put on a baking sheet, cover and leave for 20 minutes • -Grease with egg mixture, sprinkle with sesame seeds, bake in a preheated oven to 190 degrees until golden brown • Don't forget to like, subscribe and send to your friends.😘 • 🎂 Cake and
This may contain: a person holding up some potato chips in a glass bowl
Stapelchips selber machen | REALFOODBRO
30min · 2 servings Zutaten: • 300g Kartoffeln (Mehligkochend) • 1 TL Salz • 1 TL Paprikapulver • 3 EL Sonnenblumenöl Bei 150 Grad bei Umluft für ca. 15-20 Minuten Backen.
This may contain: some food is laying out on a table
Garlic bread recipe
Ingredients: Tangzhong: • 80 g whole milk • 20 g bread flour Main dough: • 300 g bread flour • 15 g sugar • 6 g salt • 90-110 g whole milk (start low, add more if needed) • 40 g cream cheese, full fat • All of the tangzhong • 1 large egg • 12 g fresh yeast (or 6 g instant dry yeast) • 20 g unsalted butter, room temperature Garlic butter: • 1 large head of garlic • 1/2 tbsp oil • Pinch of flaky salt • Pinch of black pepper • 80 g unsalted butter, room temperature • 1,5 tbsp chopped fresh herbs (e.g. rosemary, parsley) • Pinch of flaky salt • 100 g grated mozzarella Instructions: • Start by making the tangzhong: add milk and flour to • a small pot. Heat up over medium heat while constantly • stirring. Once the mixture has thickened, transfer to a • bowl and co