Gravity falls but mostly BILL

349 Pins
DeviantArt: More Like Will Cipher Cosplay by NMJICHIGO
This is not funny Will by NMJICHIGO
This show captured what having a sibling's really like
This show captured what having a sibling's really like
The ride never ends | Gravity Falls
Well then... [][]JOURNAL 3 SPECIAL EDITION SPOILER[][] I was just reading it last night and in invisible ink Ford had stars mapped out in the shape of one of those. He said "Found this in an old scroll"
The Art of Tawna Duncan - Part 3 First - “What is it that you...
Part 3 - “What do we do now?”
The Art of Tawna Duncan - Part 10 First - “What is it that you wanted?”...
Part 10 - To this day the Pines twins aren’t really sure what happened that day. Memories of waking up in the mindscape, making deals with Blendin, fighting each other… It all seemed like a dream… But the memories were real. || There you have it. The story of the Immortal Pines.
OMG<<------ we're doomed<<< Also known as: July 13th
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Gravity Falls
So it looks like nobody did this yet so:
So, Bill may be teen with an instagram account #GravityFalls intro #BillCipher