Garden Ideas

13 Pins
How To Grow A Fruit Tree From A Branch
If you have a fruit tree that bears tasty fruit and you would like to have another, consider growing a second fruit tree from a cutting of the original. Fruit trees propagate through seed and branch cuttings. While propagation from seed depends on the viability and germination of the seed in soil, propagation by branch depends on the ability of a...
How to Prune Roses - cut at an angle just above the bud, prune stems that crisscross or grow towards the center or are thinner than a pencil, wait 3 weeks after pruning to fertilize
Vertical Garden Using Plastic Milk Bottles - Dream Garden 101
Vertical Garden Using Plastic Milk Bottles
Furniture Archives
Some awesome vertical garden ideas.... With the added bonus of being easy to reach!
Home - Cape 27
I love this idea for a container garden! Vertical? Check! Not too busy? Check! Easy to switch out with flower/herbs? Check! DIY Vertical Wall Planter | Cape 27
13 DIY Outdoor Bench Ideas You Can Make This Weekend!
13 Awesome Outdoor Bench Projects, Ideas & Tutorials!
What do you use Epsom Salts for in gardening?
Gardening Tips - Put Epsom salts and sugar into each hole with your plant. It makes them grow larger, leafier and greener. But don't over do it though, just a little goes a long way with plants. and it add magnesium that is helpful for pepper plants in your vegetable garden. You can either sprinkle a tablespoon or so around the base of your plants that will feed as watered, or put the epsom into a water bottle and spray the mixture directly on the plants.