Useful tips & things for vacation

Permanent hair removal completely painless
Shaving legs, arms and bikini line on vacation - nothing could be more annoying! What if this was no longer necessary? Never again? I have tried IPL and I am thrilled! With Philips Lumea, I treated my legs completely painless and now I never need to shave, epilate or wax again! No more wasting precious spare time - just use IPL to remove hair for the long term (meaning years!) and enjoy the time you've gained! Here I link you the device with which I have made my legs and armpits hair-free.
Life Hacks for Digital Nomads
The space in the backpack is limited. Most digital nomads are switching to disposable razors. But that's an immense waste production! And unnecessary, because there is a much better option: permanent hair removal with IPL! I tried it and have been hair-free for years! And I link here the device I used! With permanent hair removal you have one less worry when traveling.
Permanent hair removal also on the face
With IPL you can not only permanently (that is for YEARS!) and painlessly remove the hair on legs, arms and bikini area, but also absolutely risk-free get rid of the lady beard! Click on the Amazon link and check out which device I used for my hair removal with IPL!