Book Covers

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Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Mary Annette Beauchamp. Cover by Alphonse Mucha. Published in London, 1898
A treatise on adulterations of food and culinary poisons : exhibiting the fraudulent sophistications of bread, beer, wine, spirituous liquors, tea, coffee, cream, confectionery, vinegar, mustard, pepper, cheese, olive oil, pickles and other articles employed in domestic economy ; and methods of detecting them : Accum, Friedrich Christian, 1769-1838 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
A treatise on adulterations of food & culinary poisons, Fredrick Accum, 1820
¤ Flora’s feast, a masque of flowers 1892 Creator Walter Crane, Cassell & Company
Bon chic Bon genre
- First edition cover of Baudelaire’s Les fleurs du mal
The Moon Metal by Garrett P Serviss, 1900
1870 Antique Book Cover | Cathe Holden’s Inspired Barn
Old Book Cover
The New Cookery by Lenna Frances Cooper, Margaret Allen Hall on Rabelais Inc
the new cookery