
The Lord is My Rock, and My Fortress, and My Deliver; My God, My Strength, in whom I will Trust; My Buckler, and the Horn of My Salvation, and My High Tower.
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Listen When He Speaks, October 2017: Trust - Fruit of Brokenness
When my focus is on God, I walk in boldness. When I focus on my circumstances, I stumble. When I choose faith, I am strong; when I rely on my feelings, sooner or later I crumble.
you are where you need to be, just breathe
let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love - Google Search
I know the LORD is always with me – Psalm 16:8
I know the LORD is always with me Psalm 16:8 How comforting it is to know that wherever we go God is there with us. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations and we wonder if God is paying attention. We may feel so alone and even depressed. We don't have to feel all alone. God is with us. He loves us and He has a good purpose and plan for us. Let this bible verse print be your reminder God is with us, leading us, guiding us, loving us, providing for us. #iknowthelordisalwayswithme #psalm