32 Pins
Worldbuilding By Map - Fantastic Maps
Building a map can be a great way to build a world - this tutorial walks through 6 steps from the first outline idea to an fully fledged world.
This is the best thing I have ever seen. Probably because I keep track of everything in a way to messy Google Docs
How to Draw a Cave - Fantastic Maps
How I draw my cave maps. The image comes from my tutorial that goes into detail on the steps.
Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) on X
Matthew Mercer on Twitter: "Upper left is Issylra, upper right is Wildemount, to the left of your Demora is Marquet. :)… "
Artist Deven Rue Puts Critical Role on the Map
Critical Role is Geek & Sundry’s live Dungeons & Dragons show, featuring Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer and his troupe of fellow voice actors. Catch them every Thursday night at 7:00 PM PT on the Geek & Sundry Twitch channel and on Alpha. Vox Machina's journey in the first Critical Role campaign took them all over Exandria. Critters got their first official, detailed look at the continent of Tal'Dorei in the Critical Role Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, but fan and professi...