
67 Pins
Good Vibes HERE (The Good Vibe)
Unfortunately I have learned this first hand. Not just in romantic relationships but in doesn't matter if one person is giving more, they normally get hurt.
Parked Domain name on Hostinger DNS system
So true about lost loved ones - always in my heart.
for you little miss pathetic.. YES! im territorial because im protecting whats MINE and ONLY MINE in da first place & you're jealous bec U can never have him! i knw U knew dat even frm da start.. LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE! avoid/stop destroying someone else's FAMILY. #Learnfromit ☝️
The 100 Best SomeEcards For Every Situation In Life
Love is spending the rest of your life with someone you want to kill & not doing it because you'd miss them.
New editor, old guard at Bloomberg LP
Love cannot be found where it doesn't exist, there is a difference between being patient with someone and wasting your time. is For Sale | BrandBucket
"love your whole story even if it hasn't been the perfect fairy tale." Melanie Moushigian koulouris
Relationships |
10 Hot '50 Shades of Grey' Quotes That Will Make You Fall in Love All Over Again (PHOTOS) | The Stir