
10 Pins
HDmall: Pengiriman Obat & Booking Klinik | HDmall
when they hear their song in a shop
Satansoo feat. his flustered boyfriend Jongin | allkpop Meme Center
Satansoo overtaking Kyungsoo's body announcing to the world his malicious deeds while we have Jongin infatuated with the love of his life, demonic or not. xD
When the stage turned in chaos in a few moments | allkpop Meme Center
When the stage turned in chaos in a few moments | allkpop Meme Center
So cute! just look at his face when he spill water on the mircophone #exo #xiumin #gif
Amazing | allkpop Meme Center
*sighs* i actually read this really good Baekbama fic on once and that was when it all began for me
Lets give them a moment please! credit: to it's rightful owner, please see logo…