
91 Pins
this ship is SO precious. I mean, I hate them before. NJH on School 2015 and LSK on CitT. I hate both of their characters, now I SO LOVE THEM.
Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk - Nylon Magazine April Issue
Lee Sung Kyung & Nam Joo Hyuk T&J♥♡
• p i n t e r e s t • @TeeJay2997 †
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo ♡
WEIGHTLIFTING FAIRY KIM BOK JOO❤️ dicen que este dorama es muy lindo... ustedes que opinan???
"Фея тяжелой атлетики Ким Пок Чжу"
Date Please ❤ [@heybiblee @skawngur] They met up for a new Photoshoot. ~♡ _ Together in Weightlifting Fairy Kim bok Joo.