f a l l o u t b o y

84 Pins
2013 - The "Hooray I'm Back In Fall Out Boy" Fedora
This is a beautiful timeline of all of Patrick's hats, except they're missing the best ones like the squid-hat-wearing-a-fedora combo, the fedora-wearing-a-monkey-hat combo, he I'm-trying-to-be-festive-by-wearing-a-santa-hat-but-I-love-my-fedora-too-much combo, and of course the most important hat THE I LOVE BINGO HAT. HOW COULD THEY FORGET???
just-fall-out-boy: Joe Trohman and Patrick Stump <3
Falloutboy memes. Best Collection of funny Falloutboy pictures on iFunny
hestoocute, patrickstump, falloutboy
top rock pictures
patrick stump can never get any decent fan art