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Gwyneth Paltrow (1972) (Shakespeare in love, Proof, Shallow Hal, Great Expectations, Sliding doors (1998),
Black & White: Photo
Penélope Cruz (Penélope Cruz Sánchez) (born in Alcobendas (Spain) on April 28, 1974)
Cristina Sagnier
Mila Kunis...love the way this woman is ALWAYS laughing...I wish she was my best-hanging-out-female-friend...then again, my sisters r like that (always laughing) so I have my Milas already...laugh girls, laugh....caption by- ❥-Mari Marxuach Parrilla
Download Wallpaper 1080x1920 Jennifer lopez, Look, Actress, Black and white Sony Xperia Z1, ZL, Z, Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One HD Background
jennifer lopez, look, actress, black and white
<3, I love pics of celebrities like this- it makes them look so down-to-earth and awesome
Hollywood In Pictures
Jennifer Lawrence