It's A Money Thing

47 Pins
7 Sections
What is inflation?
Understanding inflation can help you keep track of whether your income level is keeping pace with the economy as a whole and help you make smart saving decisions. Learn more about inflation and increase your financial literacy by watching the Understanding Inflation video on our website! #inflation #financialliteracy #saving #money
How to Save for Retirement
Believe it or not, you, too, will eventually be an old person. And the earlier you start saving, the more money you'll have to live it up when you're older! In this info-packed infographic a groovy grandma explains strategic saving tips and tricks to set yourself up for an awesome retirement. Click the link to watch the accompanying video! #ItsAMoneyThing #savingforretirement #tipsandtricks #IRA #401K #savingsaccounts #FinancialLiteracyMonth
How Does Insurance Work?
Insurance can be confusing, but this infographic should clear some things up! Find more info and a fun video in the CapEd Credit Union online Learning Center! #financiallitearacy #insurance
Credit Union History
Do you know how credit unions started? Check it out. Learn more about the credit union movement and the #CUDifference by clicking the link!
How to Use Your Credit Card
Use your credit card wisely with these helpful tips! #creditcard #buildingcredit #stayoutofdebt #avoidlatefees #billingcycle #financialliteracy
Buying vs. Renting a Home
Here are nine factors to consider when you're wondering if it makes more sense to rent or buy a home. #renting #buyingahome #homeownership #adulting
Leasing vs. Buying a Car
Should you lease or buy a vehicle? Here are the factors you should consider. Learn more with It's A Money Thing financial literacy resources at! #financialliteracy #leasingvsbuying #buyingacar #leasingacar #newcar #usedcar #autoloans
Federal vs. Private Student Loans
Here's what you should think about before you apply for federal or private student loans. Find more helpful info and videos about how to manage your finances at! #financing #tuition #loans #federalstudentloans #privatestudentloans #payingforcollege #financialliteracy
How to Earn Money Online
Need some extra cash? There are plenty of ways to earn money online. Here are three to get you started! #earnmoneyonline
How to Save Money
Learn the basics of saving money with this awesome infographic! Find more fun financial literacy learning resources at #howtosavemoney #payyourselffirst #financialtips
How to Save on Tuition
Offset the overwhelming costs of tuition by using free money, your money and borrowed money--in that order! Learn how with this awesome infographic and find more fun learning resources at #financing #tuition #university #payingforcollege #studentloans #financialliteracy
After Graduation: Work or College?
It's a daunting path that you start with the walk to receive your high school diploma. After graduation do you head to college or do you try a job on for size? To start, check out this infographic. It's full of great points to consider when deciding the right path for you after graduation. Find more helpful resources and a fun video in the link! #financialeducation #workorcollege #lifeafterhighschool
How do you think about money?
The way that we think about money affects how we save and spend it. Take the Money Persona quiz and see how you think about money so that you can make more positive, productive financial decisions in the future! Visit our website to watch the Common Money Beliefs video and boost your financial literacy. #knowledgeispower #moneymindset #moneytips
How to Buy a Used Car
Wondering how to go about buying a used car? There are many factors to consider. This handy infographic will help outline the benefits of buying used vs. new, what research needs to be done on a used vehicle, how to evaluate a vehicle once you've chosen it and how to negotiate the price to one that maximizes the car's value for you! Find more fun teaching and learning resources, and car-buying advice on our website. #ItsAMoneyThing #buyingausedcar
How to Ace a Job Interview
No matter what industry you want to work in, acing a job interview is a difficult task. Luckily, a little interview prep can go a long way! Whether its taking an improv class to practice thinking on your feet, wearing fewer rings to avoid the tendency to fidget while speaking, or even cleaning out the clutter in your bag or purse, this infographic is full of great tips to help you succeed in your next interview. Visit our website for more financial literacy resources. #interviewprep