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New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Sage Advice comes in all shapes and sizes and flavors. Especially from herbs. (via Peadoodles)‬
A quick (and easy) DIY eucalyptus garland - DIY home decor - Your DIY Family
A quick (and easy) DIY eucalyptus garland
Your Perfect Playlist to Get Pumped For Work
Sometimes pulling yourself out of bed in the morning can be a real drag. Make the morning commute a little more bearable with some inspiring tunes to get you pumped up for the day. Whether you're driving to work or popping in your headphones at the office, put this playlist on for some positive vibes.
Look at this #zulilyfind! DWDesign8 Black Vinyl Bumblebee KitchenAid Mixer Decal - Set of Nine by DWDesign8 #zulilyfinds
73 Beautiful Examples Of Scandinavian-Style Christmas Decorations
73 Beautiful Examples Of Scandinavian-Style Christmas Decorations 7-eclectic