Plumbing Facts

If you think you know everything, check out these pins here - you'll be amazed how many you don't know with what you thought are simple and basic matters.
37 Pins
Commercial Plumbing | Commercial Plumbing Contractors Phoenix
Leaky Toilet? It's time to call a #plumber and stop wasting water! Visit our website at
Your toilet can tell a lot about who you are. So… which one are you?
The day after ‪#‎Thanksgiving‬ is the busiest day for ‪#‎plumbers‬.
#PlumbingFact: The flushing toilet was invented by Sir John Harington in 1596 — hence its American nickname, “the John.”
Commercial Plumbing | Commercial Plumbing Contractors Phoenix
Did you know? Plumbing systems and pipelines work more in summer than any other season? #summer #plumbingcheckup
#PlumbingFact: Sinks can be #clogged with hair that blocks the normal flow of your pipe system.
It's #ThrowbackThursday Lilian Baumbach, the first woman who trained to Master Plumber level in 1951 in USA.
Backflow Device Repair - Brewer Commercial Services
Here are 2 situations that could #cause #BACKFLOW. For backflow prevention, call 602.789.8858.
Leak Detection - Brewer Commercial Services
We find all kinds of concealed #leaks, no matter where in your #plumbing they may be hiding.
Do you know what surprising things Plumbers normally found flushed away when on their job? See here... www.BrewerCommercialServices