Human Resources

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hrhumor / HR is crazy, and you know it
I used to be sane
Sometimes It’s Not What You Say… #HRTips #HR #DTHR
David Nault on Twitter
Company culture is not an HR function. It comes from the top. Explore the company culture that suits you best. Create your workplace preference profile at
What is NetSuite SuitePeople Human Resource Management System (HRMS)?
When you work in HR, people aren't always glad to see you coming.
Perfect Answers for the 4 Most Asked Questions in a Job Interview - Comic & Webtoon
What is your greatest strength as an employee?...[It is pretty funny how out of touch some managers and human resources people can be. I was in a meeting with other managers and one of them said they didn't want to promote one of our veteran workers because "He is just in it for the money." I was pretty quick to point out that I would be the first out the door if this became a volunteer job.]
HR (Human Resources): What I actually do
Human Resources: What I actually do Haha
Human Resources Tip #001 – Know Your Business