
19 Pins
The Walking Dead Ubicaciones Letrero Pintado a Mano Direccional - Etsy España
:o #TheWalkingDead
My mom knows how to hollow the egg out, i dont but i love the idea of the note inside, soooo cutesy
Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
ékszeres doboz
Easy Dotted Sharpie Mugs
MUST PIN! Easy dotted Sharpie Mugs. Full tutorial by Designer trapped in a Lawyer's Body. #sharpiemugs
PS Editors Share Their Top Gift Recs in Our 2024 Holiday Gift Guide
Bug-Away Scented Floating Candles: These scented floating candles are pretty, but are hiding a deadly secret. Well, deadly to bugs, at least. They are effective in chasing off those unwanted pests! Photo: Sarah Lipoff
Season Love
Yule - luminary idea for the steps. Simple mason jar and 1) red candle if no snow, 2) white candle if snow.
Lantern DIY: Let there be light! - Splash of Something
Twine Lanterns, would look great outside
Create A Prism Candle Light | DIY Mason Jar Crafts
Mason Jar Dollar Store Craft - Easy DIY Prism Light | Home Decor Crafts and DIY Projects #diy #mason_jar #crafts
How to Transfer Ink to Wood | Hunker
Simply framing your favorite photos doesn't quite do them justice. Try transferring your best prints onto wood. This creative display will showcase your picture perfect moments in a manner that's worthy of their greatness.