
155 Pins
Grilled Bacon Wrapped Peaches with Basil and Balsamic
Use the perfectly in-season peaches to make this quick and easy appetizer that is a perfect flavor palette in one delicious bite. Bacon Wrapped Peaches with Basil and Balsamic | Go Go Go Gourmet @gogogogourmet
These Bite-Sized Blooming Onions from Macheesmo are so much better than the full-sized version. Each bite has a crispier crust which is perfect for dipping!
Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Pinwheels
8 ingredient, 15 minute Sun-dried Tomato and Basil Pinwheels! An easy, crowd-pleasing summer-friendly appetizer or snack! #vegan #recipe #appetizer
Bacon Wrapped Dates Stuffed with Goat Cheese Recipe - Lulus.com Fashion Blog
Bacon Wrapped Dates Stuffed with Goat Cheese Recipe Tipp: Wenn man getrocknete Datteln nimmt, kann man sie vorher in Orangensaft und trockenem Sherry einlegen. Danach mit Speck umwickeln und anbraten. Auch den Sherry und O-Saft-Mix in die Pfanne geben.
Moorish Pork Skewers
These pork skewers are an extremely popular tapa, although you could make them with any other meat. Mojo picon is a papular sauce from the Canary Islands and is a fantastic accompaniment to meat, fish or potatoes#spanishcookbook#tapas
Manchego Cheese in Marinated Olives
Spanish olives soak up olive oil and spices and then are tossed with manchego cheese for a piquant appetizer that is simple yet elegant.
Pesto Tortilla Pinwheels Recipe - Home Cooking Memories
Pesto Tortilla Pinwheels--looks like a great idea for a wedding shower
Cucumber Canapés Recipe
cucumber canapes with feta, sun dried tomatoes, and basil.... www.tablescapesbydesign.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tablescapes-By-Design/129811416695
Spanish Romesco Sauce / Dip (capsicum sauce)
Magic Spanish Romesco Sauce – This miracle sauce is simple to make and fabulous to use as a dip sauce spread pesto as a marinade or even to flavour and thicken soups!
Lekker hapje........tapas.........gevulde dadels. Nodig: 200 gram dadels, 150 gram kruidenroomkaas , 12 plakken ontbijtspek, gehalveerd. Verwarm de oven voor op 200º C. Snijd de dadels overlangs open en verwijder voorzichtig de pit. De dadels moeten wel heel blijven. Open de dadel, vul met de roomkaas en rol ze in een half plakje ontbijtspek. Doe de dadels in een ovenvaste schaal en zet ze ca. 10 minuten in de oven. Serveer warm! . Foto geplaatst door Marga Nijhuis op Welke.nl
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Griddled Sweet Potatoes with Mint, Chilli and Smoked Garlic
Griddled Sweet Potatoes with Mint, Chilli and Smoked Garlic | healthy recipe ideas @xhealthyrecipex |