love qoutes

222 Pins
Leave me alone. Stop coming to my website. I have everything documented. You have stalked me since 2010, before he got together with her. I have your IPS from way back then. I don't know what your problem is with me. However, not everything is about you. Move on.
You should never need to prove to other women that he's in love with you. That's his job. - ♠️A true Gentleman will♠️
...and EVERYTHING to gain. Choose authenticity, always.
Photo (Sunday Evenings.)
Who wants to come with me? Let's just hop in a vehicle, drive down the little roads we've never been on, stop at the little creeks, just spend the evening driving and exploring and making memories...
This cracked me up! I've definitely forgotten to pay my Gravity bill and all hell breaks loose; then I've experienced days when some body turned the Gravity WAY is not pretty.
Funniest Minions Quotes Of The Week
。◕‿◕。 See my Despicable Me Minions pins Funniest Minion, spider web, karate.
Funny Minions Quotes Of The Week
Funny Minions Quotes 422, Minions, citat, funny. haha. ''If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?''
This explains it all. My days are filled thinking about you till I get to see your face again. And when I do. I fall in love all over again. You mean the world to me.
Life Quotes– Curiano Life Quotes
Quotes, Best Life Quote, Life Quotes, Quotes about Moving On, Inspirational Quotes and more - Curiano Quotes Life - Looking for Love #Quotes, Life Quotes, #Quote, and #Cute Quotes for Girl and Boy? Then Go visit
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17 Inspirational Things You Can Post Against Your Haters Right Now
This is something to think about when you encounter people who are jealous and envious of you. Remember that haters are bitter people who live a miserable existence.