Gynecologist in Brooklyn

How Endometriosis Affects Fertility? Treatment Options by Primary Care Doctors
Are you not able to conceive a child or carry it to a full-term #Pregnancy? This can be an alarming sign of #Endometriosis. It is a condition in which tissue similar to the lining in the uterus grows outside of the womb. The tissue stays within the body and interacts with the surrounding body organs, causing inflammation and difficulty getting pregnant. Want to know how endometriosis affects fertility & how you can get pregnant? Keep reading! #Infertility #Doctor #Medicine #Medical #WomenHealth
How Endometriosis Affects Fertility? Treatment Options by Primary Care Doctors
Do you have heavy, irregular or painful #Periods? Are you facing difficulty in getting #Pregnant? You may consult your #PrimaryCareDoctor for diagnosing #Endometriosis. It is a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the womb. Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women during their reproductive years. Learn how it affects #Fertility and how to get pregnant with endometriosis. #WomenHealth #HealthCare #MensurationalCycle #PrimaryCarePhysician #PrimaryCareClinic
Do you have #irregularperiods? They may occur due to stress, eating disorder, uncontrolled diabetes, extreme weight loss or gain, PCOS, pelvic inflammatory disease, and obesity. They are normal during the transition to menopause or the early stages of puberty. However, you should consider visiting the doctor of internal medicine clinic in Bay Ridge, New York if your periods are not regular over time. #womenhealt #womendoctor #gyne #Gynecologists #doctorbrooklyn #medical #medicne #healthcare
Essential Health Screenings for Every Woman by Primary Care Doctors
Are you worried about suffering from cervical cancer, breast cancer, high cholesterol, colorectal cancer, skin cancer or diabetes? You must not miss out on health screening regularly in Bay Ridge Brooklyn NYC. The doctors will investigate and provide you the best treatment possible. Early screening and treatment will help you save time, money, and life, before the problem gets worse. Click here to check out our checklist of the eight essential health screenings for women by primary physicians.