Self care

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Stefan 🦆 on Instagram: "Short Explanation 🔽 Commitment Partner: This is when you pair up with someone and agree to be accountable to each other for a certain task or goal. Having someone to motivate and push you to stay on track can be a great source of encouragement. Power Nap: Taking a short nap can help to restore energy and focus. Even a 10-20 minute nap can help to give you the boost you need to finish the task at hand. Temptation Building: Take a behavior that you think of as important
maggie on Instagram: "follow for more healing 🧪 = 👆🏼 #wellnesshabits #antidotes #wellnesshacks #guthealth #wellnessgirlies #thatgirlaesthetic #mwhmethod #mwh #thewell #thewellnyc #reikihealingenergy #chronicfatigue #holistichealing #healthcoaches #wellnesscommunity #spasnyc #wellnessnyc #nycwellness #pilatesmat"