Adventures in Modulation: Chapter 1: Beginnings

The story about earth's greatest adventure has begun. Where will YOU take it? Instructions: Scroll to the bottom for earlier posts. Continue the story by pinning stuff on to the board. Don't forget to number your pin so we know it's in sequence. :D
37 Pins
33. ...called upon Cathulu, the rule of the meowniverse. "STAND DOWN MEOWTRON. WHERE I SITS, PEACE WILL FITS. STOP THIS CAT-FIGHT AT ONCE." He bellowed. "Puncho must not be harmed, and we must all band together for a greater conflict in the distance: the coming of the great...
Superman cat
29. ... this made Superman take off his face to reveal his real identity, which was Super Cat Man: King of the Hipster Cats! "Let us not fight", said he "for my people cannot stand violence, triple Ali. Muhammad Ali was struck by what he saw and said...
jaytablante - Professional, Photographer | DeviantArt
35. ...the X-Man known as Rogue had been flying around, doing forward reconnaissance. She had been secretly subcontracted by the Feline Nation because...
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31. ... Puncho The Kitty Champion, which made Super Cat Man laugh so hard. "D'awwwww. Looks like that Omnitrix is... too limited." But this was Ali's secret weapon, because he knew that a cat's cuteness could actually...
Google Doodle pictures - Freaking News
37. ...SCOOBY DOOGLE, named after a past foe that had become a great friend and idol. Because even though he was of the canine species, he always shared his Scooby Snacks. Their spirits and confidence levels riding high, the super force entered their battle vehicles, which looked curiously like...
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36. ... a new super-team was to be formed with Superman and Ali (who by this time transformed into Muhammad Blade: Boxing Vampire Hunter)! The team shall be called:
Did You Know? Broccoli Is the Anti-Bacon
34. ... Broccolio! The Anti-Bacon. Everyone agreed. So Ali and Superman sat down over cheezburgers and declared to the world, "WE HAZ NO BEEF AGAINST EACH ODR NO MORE." And they, along with the hipster kittehs looked to the west, where ...
33. ...Catnivorous Max." There was a collective gasp amongst those present. The once great leader had gone insane and had resorted to feasting on the young and the innocent. Super Cat Man and Meowtron nodded in agreement. There was a common foe, far more dangerous than...
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32. ...swing the loyalties of the Hipster Kittehs to his favor to form the fearsome kitty monster called Meowtron. And for the first time in his furry life, Super Cat Man was terrified. He needed a solution. So he...
28. ...a large group of Hipster Kittehs had gathered to watch the battle and...
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25. ...imagine himself as a glutton in order to test his powers of control, which pissed him off more because a battle was about to interrupt his cheesecake meal. So without warning, his super-fist...
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30. ..."There can only be one King of the Hipster Cats, Super Cat Man, and it shall be ME!" Ali pulled out his Limited Edition Ben 10 Omnitrix, powered it up and in a magical flash of light, changed into...