Regina Coeli

1,363 Pins
Валаамская икона Божией Матери, Александро-Невская Лавра
Валаамская икона Божией Матери. Свято-Троицкая Александро-Невская Лавра, церковь Феодора Новгородского. Икона в академическом стиле
Religiosidade Virtual: Nossa Senhora . Menino Jesus
Μας παρακαλεῖ νά ἀκοῦμε τόν Υἱό Της.
Μας παρακαλεῖ νά ἀκοῦμε τόν Υἱό Της.
New Mary 3 by joeatta78 on DeviantArt
A Creative Community for Fans, Photos and Fun
Богоматерь Жировицкая. Икона. Russian Orthodox Icon of Our Lady Mother of God with child Jesus. Virgin Mary. Madonna.
Madonna with lavender veil by Diana Mendoza at Sorelle Gallery
Madonna with lavender veil by Diana Mendoza at Sorelle Gal… | Flickr
"Mary, God’s creation" - Raul Berzosa. I know we don't worship her and shouldn't because she is only a woman, not God, but she was CHOSEN of God and we should respect her and learn more about her just as we seek knowledge of Moses, Abraham, Joshua, Paul etc. Can you imagine being CHOSEN of God? lsp
Quadro de madeira rústico pintado a mão | Elo7 Produtos Especiais
Painel pintado a mão na madeira de demolição
The Madonna of the Little Candle by Carlo Crivelli
The Madonna Of The Little Candle by Carlo Crivelli
Madonna With Child and Dove , Print of Original Art ,mix Media, Folk Art, Wall Decore by Evona - Etsy
Giclee Print: The Holy Family with John the Baptist as a Boy and Saint Elizabeth (La Petite Sainte Famill) by Giulio Romano : 24x18in