Info Bits

37 Pins
Do Binaural Beats Induce Lucid Dreaming? Know What Science Says
Brain Waves and Brain States. More
Philippine Street Food #infographic
Philippine Street Food. I've had most of these items, and some of them I enjoyed. Tried the balut; tolerable, but something I would not want to eat again. The rest I would never want to try.
Real Estate Calculator For Analyzing Investment Property
Finding a good investment property can be tricky. Use this calculator to run the numbers on a deal and figure out if it's actually worth your money, plus tips on how to find a good rental property.
How to Treat a Sprained Ankle | REI Co-op
Sprained ankles are a particularly common injury among outdoor adventurers and they can happen with nearly any activity, including hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, climbing or running. Given just how frequently sprained ankles can occur, knowing how to treat one is a valuable skill to have. #hikinglifehacks
Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived - The Oatmeal
Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived - The Oatmeal