
111 Pins
Tan Jiu's "Their Story" absolutely love the comics! Yuri | Anime Art | Anime Couple
Guinevere and Lancelot, an art print by Michael Manomivibul
Welp I'm having feels and I don't even have a story for this.
Remember by suiatsea on DeviantArt
Remember by Khierz.deviantart.com on @deviantART
Ingenious Science Project: How to Make Glow in the Dark Water
Wow cool project! Ingenious Science Project: How to Make Glow in the Dark Water
Wand of Fortune (Lulu (Wand of Fortune), Est Rinaudo)
Kagerou Usuba, Idea Factory, Otomate Usuba Kagerou Selection - La Soirée, Wand of Fortune Official Visual Fan Book, Wand of Fortune
Angel Beats!/#512193 | Fullsize Image (800x720)
My heart just shattered into a million pieces
Yuki and Zero- idk how can ppl hate Yuki?? she sacrificed all she could for Zero..i just feel sad for her...the worst thing about love triangles...i want her to be with em boIth but that cant be???
tonari no kaibutsu-kun
tonari no kaibutsu-kun by loveariddle.deviantart.com I haven't seen this anime yet but it looks so cute!
“mizut0: (via https://twitter.com/aiueo0916/status/272305254031314944) ”
Kimi ni Todoke (From Me To You) Image #469818 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Do you like me ...No ....then do you love me ....Yes too much that my heart is Gonna brust out of my chest