Kitchen Wisdom

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Are you afraid to use food and herbs as medicine?
When I meet with clients and create a protocol using food and medicinal herbs to support their health, I’m often asked this question: “Is this herbal medicine safe?” It’s a valid question. And, I understand why they ask it. Since the rise of Rockefeller’s allopathic medicine model that monopolized the medical schools and created the demand for petro-based pharmaceuticals (Big Pharma) in the early 1900’s, people have been fearful of herbs and natural remedies. Rockefeller and his buddy, Carnegie,
Are you worried about oxalates?
Oxalates are all the buzz these days, and it seems like everyone is worried about them. But, should you be? Maybe, maybe not. First and foremost, what are oxalates? “Oxalates are natural compounds found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains. Some examples of foods that are highest in oxalates include green leafy vegetables, soy, almonds, potatoes, tea, rhubarb, cereal grains and beets. Oxalates are also naturally created in the human body as a waste product.”[1] Some of the foods highest in ox
Is eating liver toxic?
I received a message from someone asking why I would recommend eating liver. She said, “Andrea, can you please explain WHY chicken liver, or any liver, is healthy? Since the Liver detoxifies, why isn’t it filled with toxins that the body is getting rid of?” It’s a great question and eating this organ is widely misunderstood by many people. It’s true that the liver is a detoxification organ. But the liver does NOT hold onto toxins, it metabolizes those toxins to be released through the waste chan
Did you know rotating food seasonally improves immunity and microbiome diversity?
People often get into a rut eating the same foods over and over again all year round. Unfortunately, they may not realize this limits gut diversity and negatively impacts vitality and immunity. I’ll get deeper into that in a moment. But first, let’s figure out why someone may eat the same food without ever changing the menu. Firstly, they may think the food they are eating is healthy, so they eat a lot of it. Any nutritional science study that comes out citing the benefits of a said food (whatev
The Health Benefits of Creamy White Bean Soup: A Nutrient-Rich Delight
Creamy white bean soup is not only a comfort food favorite but also a nutritional powerhouse that offers a myriad of health benefits. Packed with wholesome ingredients, this soup has become a staple in many households, thanks to its delicious taste and its potential to promote overall well-being. 1. **Rich in Protein and Fiber:** One of the key reasons creamy white bean soup is a healthy choice lies in its high protein and fiber content. White beans are an excellent source of plant-based protein
Roasted Roots Coffee Alternative
I highly recommend using coffee alternatives, like these Roasted Roots Alternatives, to help build energy by nourishing the body instead of over-stimulating the body when it is feeling fatigued. #integrativenutritionrecipes #healthyrecipes #healingrecipes #organicrecipes #healthcoachrecipes #healthymeals #foodanddrink #fitfood #healthyeating #recipe #healthyfood #foodismedicine #alternativemedicine #naturalhealing #herbalremedies
How do you feel about lectins?
How do you feel about lectins? – Andrea Beaman
Is Your Body Feeling Weak? Invest In Good Stock!
Is Your Body Feeling Weak? Invest In Good Stock! – Andrea Beaman
If baby carrots aren’t real, what else is untrue?
If baby carrots aren’t real, what else is untrue? – Andrea Beaman
Do you eat this stinky little fish?
Do you eat this stinky little fish? – Andrea Beaman
Do you eat this bitter culinary herb?
Do you eat this bitter culinary herb? – Andrea Beaman